Front Page

Welcome to the website of the Old Baldy Civil War Round Table, serving the greater Philadelphia area with a discussion forum for Civil War-era topics. See the MEETING INFO tab above for meeting times and directions.

We invite you to join us for in-person meetings at Camden County College’s William G. Rohrer Center, 1889 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, at 7:15 PM. The program will also be simulcast on Zoom for the benefit of those members and friends who are unable to attend. Please email oldbaldycwrt [at] verizon [dot] net at least 24 hours prior to request Zoom access.

  • January 09, 2025 — James Pula on Union General Daniel Butterfield: A Civil War Biography

Old Baldy sells branded products: T-shirts, caps, etc.! Click here or the STORE menu item in the header above.

A pamphlet describing the history of Old Baldy (Maj. Gen. George Meade’s warhorse), written by Anthony Waskie, is available for download in the MEMBERSHIP tab.

Members may be interested in accessing the website of the CWRT Congress. It is here.

If you find website-related errors, please send an email to: Webmaster [at] oldbaldycwrt [dot] org